What does your membership enable?

  • Monthly educational programs held the first Friday of the month at Congers Community Center (7pm for fellowship; 7:30 program)

  • Field Trips to study birds and their habitats at local parks and further afield

  • Conservation projects such as kestrel nest boxes and bluebird boxes at County parks; deterrents on large expanses of windows at public libraries to prevent bird-building collisions

  • Local advocacy on development projects to promote preservation of open space and habitat

  • 10-15% discount on purchases at  Wild Birds Unlimited.

Membership is only $35 per year.  Click here to donate online. Or, write a check made out to Rockland Audubon Society and mail it to Rockland Audubon Society, P.O. Box 404, New City, NY 10977. 

Thank you for supporting your Rockland County chapter of the National Audubon Society!