
Native Plants for Birds

Did you know that the berries on the native shrub Arrowwood Viburnum have a very high fat content that helps fuel birds during fall migration? In contrast, berries on the invasive Multiflora Rose appear around the same time of year as Arrowwood berries but contain hardly any fat at all. Native berries are vital to birds, especially neotropical migrants that travel thousands of miles to places like Central and South America.

Use National Audubon’s link below to find our more about Native Plants in your Area:

Native Plants

Several sources of native plants are shown below:

Cottage Creek Gardens, Valley Cottage

Toad Shade Wildflower Farm, Frenchtown, NJ

NYDEP Spring Seedling Sale

Making your home safe for birds

Bird-Friendly Windows

Acopian BirdSavers - Long lasting, and highly effective. Simple to make


Feather Friendly Bird Do-it-Yourself Tape - Simple to install.

Injured or Orphaned Bird

It’s common to find young birds away from their nests in the spring and summer. But should you help them? It depends. First use the document below to find out if an injured or orphaned bird even needs help. The information is Adapted from Healers of the Wild by Shannon K. Jacobs.

Valley Cottage Animal Hospital will assess, stabilize, and get the bird to the best resource for care.

Endangered, Threatened, and Special Concern Species

Click here to see the New York Endangered Species List

Click here for instructions on how to report your sightings

Red Headed Wookpecker at Lake Welch