7:00 PM19:00

The Growing Extinction Crisis

RAS is co-sponsoring this event with the Lower Hudson Group of Sierra Club
Online - Zoom information:

Please open the link below for the zoom meeting information:
Click here to join the Zoom Meeting.
Or call: 1 (929)205-6099
Meeting ID: 868 8244 5856

Wildlife populations have declined steeply since the 1970s. Like climate change, the
extinction crisis is approaching critical tipping points with about one million animal and plant species threatened with extinction and many more declining. Extinctions and loss of biodiversity pose a grave threat to future generations.                                                  
Noah Greenwald, Director of Endangered Species for the Center for Biological Diversity, will speak to us about the scope and magnitude of the crisis. He’ll explain the causes, the impacts we can expect to see in coming decades on mammals, amphibians, insects, and human wellbeing, and solutions. He’ll outline what we must do to pass on to future generations a world where the wild can still thrive.

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7:00 PM19:00

Nature Program: Flyways

Congers Lake Community Center – 6 Gilchrest Road, Congers, NY Doors open for refreshments at 7:00pm. Program begins at 7:15pm. Watch the New Shorebird Documentary “Flyways” followed by discussion led by Cheryl Stroud, Vice President of RAS.

Shorebirds fly thousands of miles each year along ancient and largely unknown migratory routes called Flyways. More than 200 species, such as Far Eastern Curlews, Lesser Yellowlegs, Red Knots and Hudsonian Godwits, travel from feeding grounds in the southern hemisphere to breeding grounds in the Arctic and back again, flying up to nine days non-stop without food or water.

But their populations are crashing amidst climate change and urban development. Follow a conservation movement of bird-loving experts and citizen scientists as they mobilize to the challenge of understanding and saving shorebirds.

See less

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to Feb 12

Field Trips

February 2nd (Sunday) Kakiat County Park Meet Catherine Parker at the parking lot at 8 am 914.319.1396

February 10th (Monday) Edith G. Read Wildlife Sanctuary Meet Catherine Parker at the parking lot at 9 am at the Route 303 Park and Ride, West Nyack 914.319.1396

We have binoculars to lend. Please call Catherine Parker. 914.319.1396

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7:00 PM19:00

Sorting out the Winter Waterfowl

Congers Lake Community Center – 6 Gilchrest Road, Congers, NY Doors open for refreshments at 7:00. Program begins at 7:30. Presented by: Anne Swaim, Executive Director of Saw Mill River Audubon.

More than 30 species of waterfowl might be seen in the winter around Rockland County and the Lower Hudson Valley. Many of these birds may have hatched as far north as Hudson Bay and come here to spend the winter. Others nest locally. Find out how to sort them out and where to see them. Also, learn about the New York State Waterfowl Count, which takes place every mid-January.

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7:00 PM19:00

Silent Shadows: NY’s Owls Revealed

Nature Program for Friday December 6th

Please join us for a Zoom presentation. Program will begin at 7pm.

After registering you will receive a confirmation email.


Owls are mysterious and charismatic birds that have intrigued humans for centuries with their mysterious behaviors and unique adaptations.

In this program, Stella Miller will take us on a journey into the fascinating world of owls as we uncover the secrets of these nocturnal hunters, exploring their life history, amazing adaptations and the individual species that call NYS home.

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to Dec 15

December 2024 Field Trips

Upcoming Field Trips for December 2024

All field trips are free and open to all levels

December 1st (Sunday) Kakiat County Park

Meet Catherine Parker at 8 am at the entrance to the park


December 15th (Sunday) Christmas Bird Count

To sign up contact Alan Wells, CBC Coordinator

845-942-5751 email: alan.wells@optimum.net


To borrow binoculars please call Catherine Parker 914.319.1396

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7:00 PM19:00


As much as plants and animals need light, they also need the dark.  At a moment when we are facing a crisis in extinctions, scientific studies document that light pollution disrupts wildlife and plants, impacts human health, and contributes to climate change.  The loss of dark skies also blocks our most ancient connection with the universe.

From the beginning of time, light and dark, day and night, have been the great clock that orchestrates life on earth.  In addition to the impacts on migrating birds and all other wildlife, we are also losing part of our birthright that joins us with all the generations, the sense of awe at the stars in the night sky.

Mark Grosz, from DarkSky International, will discuss the ecological impacts of the loss of dark skies.  The good news is that we can begin to restore darker skies with relatively simple solutions. 

We will address regional and Rockland specific issues following the talk by Mark Grosz and Q&A. 

Click HERE to join Zoom Meeting. 

Or call: 1 929 205 6099 / Meeting ID: 813 3013 6167

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to Nov 18

November 2024 Field Trips

November 3 (Sunday) Kakiat County Park Meet Catherine Parker at 8 am at the entrance to the park 914-319-1396

November 10 (Sunday) Piermont Pier Meet Linda Pistolesi at 8 am in Parking Lot D in Piermont 914-319-1396

November 18 (Monday) Kennedy Dells Meet Catherine Parker at 8 am. in the first parking lot 914-319-1396

To borrow binoculars call Catherine Parker 914.319.1396

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7:00 PM19:00

November Nature Program - Christmas Bird Count presented by Alan and Della Wells

Doors open for refreshments at 7:00pm. Program begins at 7:30pm at Congers Lake Memorial Park Community Center - 6 Gilchrest Road, Congers, NY.

Please join us for the Christmas Bird Count presentation by Alan and Della Wells.  This marks the 125th consecutive year the survey will be conducted by the National Audubon Society. Alan and Della will explain how the count is conducted, what we might find and how you can participate in this community science project. We will also hear about the history of the CBC including the RAS’s first ever Christmas Bird Count.

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7:00 PM19:00

October Nature Program - An Inordinate Fondness: Sharing Our World (and Gardens) with Insects presented by Brittney Hahn

Doors open for refreshments at 7:00pm. Program begins at 7:30pm at Congers Lake Memorial Park Community Center - 6 Gilchrest Road, Congers, NY. An Inordinate Fondness: Sharing Our World (and Gardens) with Insects presented by Brittney Hahn

Our world runs on insects! Despite their gruesome reputation, insects are integral parts of our lives and the environment around us, from the rainforests of the Amazon to the urban jungle of Manhattan. They are fascinatingly diverse and interesting animals in their own right, and perform crucial ecosystem services such as pollination, pest control, and being a rich food source (for birds and humans alike!). Please join us for this presentation where we will learn about the natural history of insects, their social and natural significance, and introduce some of those right here in our backyards in Rockland. We will also have the chance to examine some prepared insect specimens from our area.

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6:00 PM18:00

Pearl River Pubic Library Movie Night: Flyways

Movie Night Flyways: the Untold Story of Migratory Shorebirds. As part of our participation in this fall's Citizen Science Bird Migration project, enjoy light snacks provided by the library, with our showing of Flyways , a PBS Nature documentary. Christine Toth, R.A.S. conservation chair will follow up the movie with a short discussion. Location: Fellowship Hall, Pearl River Methodist Church 130 Franklin Ave, Pearl River, NY 10965.

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to Oct 28

October 2024 Field Trips

October 2nd (Wednesday ) Stateline Hawk Watch - Meet Catherine Parker at the parking lot at 10 am. 914.319.1396

October 8th (Tuesday) Marshlands Conservancy - Meet Catherine Parker at the commuter Park and Ride on Rt. 303 at 9am. 914.319.1396

October 13th (Sunday) Kakiat County Park - Meet Catherine Parker at the parking lot at 8 am. 914.319.1396

October 20th (Sunday) Croton Point - Meet Zenon Bachir at the Park and Ride on Rt. 303 at 8:30. 845.202.0302 We will be joining the Edgar A Mearns Bird Club.

October 28th (Monday) Rockland Lake - Meet Matt Beck at Field 6 Fishing Station at 8:00am. The focus will be on tree identification

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7:00 PM19:00

Woodpeckers: Master Carpenters of the Forest

We are pleased to extend an invitation to you for an engaging and informative presentation by Stella Miller.

Click here to register for the event

The forests and woodlands of New York provide ideal habitat for woodpecker species, some which breed here, one which is a regular migrant spending winters with us, as well as a rarity to the area that may not be such a rarity for long. We will learn about the various species of woodpeckers that call lower NYS home, their amazing adaptations, as well as the answer to that age old question, “Why don’t woodpeckers get headaches?”

Date: Wednesday September 18th, 2024

Time: 7-8:30 pm.

Location: Online via Zoom

Please contact rocklandaudubon@gmail.com if you have other questions.

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7:30 PM19:30

September Nature Program - Skyhunters in Flight presented by Brian Bradley

Doors open for refreshments at 7:00pm. Program begins at 7:30pm at Congers Lake Memorial Park Community Center - 6 Gilchrest Road, Congers, NY. Watch hawks, falcons and owls sharpen their hunting skills during an exciting flight demonstration with master falconer Brian Bradley of New Paltz, New York. Hear about the ancient sport of falconry and see live raptors from around the world.

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to Sep 29

September 2024 Field Trips

September 1st  (Sunday) Kakiat County Park  - Meet Peter Johnson  at park entrance at 8am.  914-261-2895      

September 11th  (Wednesday) Marshlands Conservancy - Meet Catherine Parker at 8:00am at the Route 303 Park and Ride in West Nyack. 914-319-1396    

September 16th  (Monday) Wallkill River NWR   - Meet Catherine Parker at 8:00am at the Route 303 Park and Ride in West Nyack.914-319-1396           

September 30th  (Monday) Joseph B. Clark Rail Trail - Meet Catherine Parker at 8:00am at Oak Tree Rd. Tappan 914-319-1396

Note: The first Sunday walk at Kakiat wil be on the 13th of October.  They will be setting up for an endurance race on October 6th.  

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to Jul 31

July 2024 Field Trips

July 7 (Sunday) Rockland Lake                                                   
Meet Catherine Parker at 7:30am at the fishing station lot, Parking Lot #6   

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to Jun 30

June 2024 Field Trips

June 2 (Sunday) Rockland Lake                                                   
Meet Catherine Parker at 7:30am at the fishing station lot, Parking Lot #6   

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7:30 PM19:30

May Nature Program - (Un)Paving the Way: Helping Pollinators in a Post-Wild World

Friday, May 3 - 7:30pm - Congers Lake Memorial Park Community Center
Presented by Dana Harkrider

Please join us for our May nature program to learn about helping pollinators, presented by Dana Harkrider, an experienced beekeeper and advocate for pollinators and native plants. Dana assists in maintaining hives at Closter Farm and Livestock in New Jersey and Lomar Farms in Palisades and consults on 30 individual hives of homeowners. She developed her expertise by completing the Cornell Master Beekeeping Program. In addition to mentoring beekeepers, Dana also teaches classes to adults and children.

Gather at 7:00 PM at the Congers Lake Memorial Park Community Center for refreshments and conversation with fellow birders and nature enthusiasts. Program starts at 7:30 PM.

(Photo of Ruby-throated Hummingbird from Virginia Department of Wildlife Resources)

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to May 31

May 2024 Field Trips

May 5 (Sunday) Rockland Lake                                                   
Meet Catherine Parker at 7:30am at the fishing station lot, Parking Lot #6   
May 13 (Monday) Ironwood Drive                                                
Meet Liz Cherry at 8:30am at Ironwood Drive in Tuxedo. 
Park at the loop at the end of Ironwood Drive. 
May 15 (Wednesday) Family Walk at Kennedy Dells in partnership with the New City Library
Meet Kathy Bachor and Catherine Parker at 4pm at the lower parking lot, Kennedy Dells Park, New City
845-634-4997 x121                                               
Rain date: Wed. May 22

May 22 (Wednesday) Tallman Mountain State Park                            
Meet Matt Beckerle at 8am at the parking lot, 273 Rte 9W, Orangetown, NY 10964
May 26 (Sunday) Kakiat County Park                                
Meet Catherine Parker at 7:30am in the parking lot  

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April Nature Program: Hook Mountain Hawk Watch
7:30 PM19:30

April Nature Program: Hook Mountain Hawk Watch

Hook Mountain Hawk Watch - from the Scenic Hudson to Hawk Handshakes


Friday, April 5 - 7:30pm - Congers Lake Memorial Park Community Center
Presented by Trudy Battaly and Drew Panko of Hook Mountain Hawk Watch


Volunteers at the Hook Mountain Hawk Watch have been documenting raptors since 1971. They count hawks from one of the most scenic locations along the Hudson River, with NYC on the horizon to the south and Bear Mountain to the north. Immersed in this natural world, they count hawks to monitor their populations and contribute to raptor conservation. Which species have decreased?  Which have increased?  Has global warming contributed to changes?  The presenters will present information about different species from 52 years of Hook data, gathered by local volunteers. The data engulfs the wonder of raptors to track the phenomenon of their migration.


Gather at 7:00 PM at the Congers Lake Memorial Park Community Center for refreshments and conversation with fellow birders and nature enthusiasts. Program starts at 7:30 PM.

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to Apr 30

April 2024 Field Trips

April 7 (Sunday) Rockland Lake

Meet Catherine Parker at 7:30am at the fishing station parking lot; Parking Lot #6


Note new meeting time


April 14 (Sunday) Wallkill River National Wildlife Refuge

Meet Catherine Parker at 7:30am at the Route 303 Park and Ride in West Nyack 



April 20 (Saturday) Celery Farm

Meet Peter Johnson at 8:30am at Celery Farm

County Rte. 507 (Franklin Turnpike) Allendale N.J.



April 21 (Sunday) Mt. Ivy Swamp

Meet Veronika Krause at 9am at the parking lot on Station Rd., Mt Ivy



April 28 (Sunday) Kennedy Dells

Meet Catherine Parker at 7:30 at Kennedy Dells, New City


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March Nature Program: Hi, My Name is Skye
7:30 PM19:30

March Nature Program: Hi, My Name is Skye

Please join us for our March nature program, where Jane Aguilar Murphy will be reading from her new book Hi, My Name is Skye. Jane will also show pictures of Skye growing up and talking about his adventures in the winter of 2021.

Get ready to spread your wings and embark on an awe-inspiring adventure through the eyes of Skye, a courageous baby bald eagle. Follow along as Skye recounts the heartwarming story of his upbringing, guided by the unwavering love and care of the devoted parents. Join Skye as he navigates the skies, learning what it truly means to be a magnificent bald eagle. Whether you are young or young at heart, this enchanting story will inspire readers to believe in themselves and chase their wildest dreams. So, look to the sky and remember Skye’s name, for he is a bald eagle who embodies the spirit of courage and freedom.

Jane Aguilar Murphy is a native of Rockland County, New York. Her life-long love of photography was inspired by her father who enjoyed taking family photos and was member of a local camera club. Her journey officially began when she was given her first camera by her Aunt Marie at the age of ten. She began photographing raptors after seeing the PBS special Pale Male by Frederic Lilien. When she heard of a bald eagle's nest in West Nyack, Rockland County, she dedicated the next eight months to taking thousands of photos of a family of bald eagles raising their new baby, which Jane named Skye. This book tells the story of Skye and features some of the amazing photos Jane was able to capture. 

Gather at 7:00 PM at the Congers Lake Memorial Park Community Center for refreshments and conversation with fellow birders and nature enthusiasts. Program starts at 7:30 PM.

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to Mar 31

March 2024 Field Trips

March 3 (Sunday) - Rockland Lake
Meet Catherine Parker at 8am at the fishing station parking lot / parking lot #6

March 10 (Sunday) - Kakiat County Park
Meet Vicki Beaumont at 8am in parking lot

March 17 (Sunday) - Rye-Greenwich
Meet Zenon Bachir at 8am at the Route 303 Park and Ride in West Nyack

March 24 (Sunday) - Tallman Park
Meet Carol Weiss at 8am in Piermont Parking Lot D (in front of the pier)   

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